# This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
# several checkbuttons.
# @(#) check.tcl 1.1 95/05/26 15:56:26
set w .check
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Checkbutton Demonstration"
wm iconname $w "check"
positionWindow $w
label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "Three checkbuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button, it will toggle the button's selection state and set a Tcl variable to a value indicating the state of the checkbutton. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
pack $w.msg -side top
frame $w.buttons
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -expand y -fill x -pady 2m